Unit 9: Evolution

For this unit, we are re-touching on natural selection, Darwin and his discoveries made in the Galapagos. Most of this was learned first semester. Now, we are focusing on random events that influence evolution: genetic drift. We will also review genetics, building upon what students learned last semester and adding dihybrid crosses.

Anticipatory Set:
National Geo's "Reviving Extinct Species".
Choose an article for students to read as Bellwork.
Have them answer the following questions at the end:
1. Do you think we should bring back extinct species? Why or why not?
2. Which species would you bring back? Why?
3. What would you do with this species? How would it impact its ecosystem?
Discuss as a class.
Vote on the website:
Which animal?

More on de-extinction:
Pictures of extinct species:




Genetic Drift in Humans:

Miller & Levine's Biology (2010) can be used to answer some of the following questions:
Chapter 11: How does biological information pass from one generation to another? Where does an organism get its unique characteristics? Does the environment have a role in how genes determine traits? 
Chapter 13: What are mutations? How do mutations affect genes?
Chapter 16: What is natural selection? Under what conditions does natural selection occur?
Chapter 17: How is evolution defined in genetic terms? What are the sources of genetic variation? What is genetic drift? What conditions are required to maintain genetic equilibrium? Where do new genes come from?

Lab Simulation:


Link to Resources on GoogleDocs:

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